Wrist Watch for Dogs (#CrazyPatents)

Let’s face it – dogs are terrible at keeping track of time.  While it’s true that dogs staunchly believe in being fashionably late, typically the issue is simply that dogs don’t have access to clocks while out and about. Unfortunately, having access to human clocks is not enough.  As we all know, dogs live in “dog years,” […]

Top Three Patent Myths

1) You need a prototype before filing a patent application Untrue!  The only requirement is that the invention is describable in sufficient detail such that an average person in the field would be able to make and use it. Also, the requirement is not that the inventor be able to sufficiently describe the invention, and in many […]

Spies can hear you by watching your trash!

Check out this awesome yet creepy Ted talk (video embedded below or click here).  Along with a bunch of other ingenious image processing technology, the video shows how researchers were able to re-create audio of a person talking by analyzing tiny vibrations in objects near the person. In one example, they shot a video of a chip bag through […]